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Upcoming Events: Text

We Have So Much Planned For You All!

We have really enjoyed kicking off some fun summer activities for our Tough Mother Tribe this summer!

Anyone is welcome, so feel free to join us whether you’re a mom chasing kids, an aunt, daughter, or fur baby momma!!

Whether it's a pop up yoga / workout class, outdoor activity, support group, or playgroup, we want you to find other people that you can connect with!  We feel that deep down, we all hunger for human connection. To be seen and heard are what we crave most.

Some of our activities include the kiddos and others are just for you guys! But if you ever want to attend something and cannot find a sitter, please reach out because we might be able to connect you with one of our wonderful volunteers.

We look forward to seeing so many of you in person this summer! Click on the image you're interested in below to see the link to each page  so you can add them to your schedule!

Some of our events are free, and others have a set fee. With the free events, donations to our kind instructors are always welcome. With donations, we pay our amazing instructors and any excess goes towards our scholarship fund for our public retreats.
See you all soon✨

Upcoming Events: Welcome
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